We are at the halfway mark for our Annual Giving Fundraising Drive! Congratulations to Ms. Yoon in room 15 and Ms. Pak in room 38, who are leading for participation and fundraising respectively.
Check the leaderboard at friendsofthird.org/annualgiving to see where your class stands. Congratulations to Ms. Pak’s, Ms. H. Lee’s, and Ms. S. Kim’s class for reaching 100% participation. Will your child’s teacher be next? The next 3 teachers to hit 100% get a $200 gift card and special perks for the class. School-wide participation stands at 33%. Our goal is 100% participation and we are making great progress. Go Panthers!
We are asking each family to donate $1000 per student. This might not work for your family, and that is okay. Please consider making a donation that is meaningful for your family. If your family is in a position to provide more generous support for our community, please do so.
Set up a plan that works for your family at www.friendsofthird.org/donate. We are all in this together!
지금 애뉴얼 기빙(Annual Giving) 기금 모금이 진행 중입니다! 애뉴얼 기빙 참여를 리드하고 있는 Ms. Yoon 반의 room 15 와 Ms. Pak 반의 room 38 축하합니다. 기부 현황표 friendsofthird.org/annualgiving 에서 우리반의 기부 현황을 확인하세요. Ms. Pak, Ms. H. Lee, and Ms. S. Kim 선생님 반의 100 % 참여를 축하합니다. 다음 100% 참여 반은 어느 선생님 반이 될까요? 100% 참여를 달성하는 다음 3개 반에게는 담임 선생님을 위한 $200달러 기프트 카드와 특별 선물을 드립니다. 지금까지 학교 전체 참여율은 33% 입니다. 목표는 100% 참여이며, 좋은 진전을 보이고 있습니다. Go Panthers! FOT는 각 가정이 학생당 $1000를 기부해주시도록 권고하고 있습니다. 그러나 각 가정의 상황에 맞게 더 적은 금액도, 더 많은 금액을 기부해주셔도 상관없습니다. 가정의 상황을 고려하셔서 의미 있는 금액으로 기부해주시면 됩니다. 웹사이트 www.friendsofthird.org/donate에서 분할 기부를 설정하실 수도 있습니다. 우리 모두가 함께하고 있습니다. 이번 주 기부 참여자들에게 감사드립니다: Thank you to this week’s donors:
The Carriere/Obstler Family, Arella Kim Family, The Cohan Family, Micah Kim Family, Lim Family, The Gee Family, The Choi Family, August & Weston Jewett, The Besser Family, The Yoo Family, The Garrett Family, The Greene Family, The Didlock/Delfin Family, The Chae Family, Garcia Family, Viacom CBS, The Song Family, Simon, The Goldstein Family, The Park Family, Maxson Jo, Lagrone Family, The Alex Nam Family, The Alling Family, Marcos Perez, Noelle Ko, Alex and David Ruiz, H Park Family, Chase Chevious, Jasmine’s Family, Jeong Family, Koo Family, Blatt Family, AJ & CJ Kwon Family, Ryan Johnson and Kimberly Island-Johnson, The Moncrief Family, Owen Park, Chang Family, Brenton’s Family, Isaac’s Family, The Family of Ethan Fisher, Ellie’s Family, The McGuire Family, Hollie’s Family, The Ethan Baek Family, The JJ Lee Family, The Kim Family, Song’s Family, Jiyeon Lee, Seihe Lee, Amaral Family, Daehyung Seo, Sofia Stevenson, Joshua Hong’s Family, Jaeho Shin, Jacob Kim, Christine Ko, Elizabeth Schmidt and Matthew Peskay, Razo Kim, The Rhim Family, The Tracy Paley Family, The Choi Family, Jenny Yi, Jen K, Jung Family, Scarlet Family, Jessica Farrington, Hayeon and Hayul Park, Hao Yuan, Ms Won is Amazing, The Meisenbach-Simonian Family, Jack Thomas, The Daniel Family, The Lee Family, Soonyi Jang, Shinaa, Esther’s Family, Adusei Family, Colette Kim Family, The Yun Family, William, The Pearce Family, The Koch Family, The Minton Family, Chatterjee Family, Brayden Kim’s Family, Xinlian Liu, Kim Family, The Kim Family, The Youn Family, The Duester Family, Miran Kim, Okamoto, Lee Family, Kwon Family, Sophia Kim Family, Stella Kim and Family, The Ryu and Dancyger Family, The Kosenko-Zhylka Family, The Avery Brettschneider Family, Waleko Family