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Update on Acceleration Days;

The Great Shakeout 2022;

October Kindness Challenge;

3rd on Ice;

Reflections Needs Volunteers;

Read Around The World;

PTA Membership Drive Success!



Los Angeles Unified Board of Education approved a revised Instructional Calendar for the 2022-23 school year. The revised calendar includes optional Acceleration Days, which will be held on Dec. 19-20, 2022 and April 3-4, 2023. Acceleration Days are designed to help address learning loss associated with the pandemic by providing additional instruction and enrichment opportunities for students. Numerous studies have shown that additional learning time leads to increased academic achievement. These extra days provide students the opportunity to gain personalized support and focus on areas for improvement and enrichment. Furthermore, their placement during transition times provides an opportunity for analysis of formative data that allows for identification of the students who stand to benefit most. With the revised Instructional Calendar, Oct. 19, Dec. 7, March 15 and April 19 become required (not optional) days of school, and the 2022-23 school year for students will now end on June 9, 2023. Winter Recess remains scheduled for Dec. 19, 2022 through Jan. 6, 2023, and the second semester will still commence on Jan. 9, 2023.


The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priority. To provide our school an opportunity to practice emergency response procedures, our district Superintendent has asked all students and staff to participate in a District-wide emergency preparedness drill on Thursday, October 20, 2022. Please be advised that students will be dismissed at the regular time on this day. If you have any concerns and/or questions, please feel free to call our main office for more information.


Every class will be launching the October Kindness Challenge to promote the Making Caring Common program throughout the school. The Kindness Challenge begins this Monday, October 17. Teachers will pass out a calendar to each student to track their acts of kindness on and off campus. More information will be provided the classroom teachers.


Registration period for the exciting skating event that everyone has been waiting for will finally open on Monday!

As a KDLP (Korean Dual Language Program) fundraising event, non-KDLP friends, parents, siblings, and other school friends are also welcome.

Event will be on November 5th (Saturday) at the Burbank Pickwick Ice Center, starting from 4pm - 6pm. 2 hours of skating and skate rentals, mini-classes conducted by former Korean National player, and snacks will be provided for all participants!

Please bring your registration form and payment to the lunch pavilion or the parents center(room 33) during morning drop off or leave it in the box in the front office.

The ice rink is reserved for 3rd Street Elementary School during the event time and space will be limited. Please register early!! See you there!

* When paying online, be sure to indicate the name of the payment on the application form!

* Checks payable to Third Street KDLP

드디어 모두가 기다리던 신나는 스케이트 이벤트 신청기간이 월요일부터 오픈합니다!

KDLP(Korean Dual Language Program) fundraising 이벤트인 이번 행사는 KDLP가 아닌 3가 친구들과 부모님, 형제 자매, 그리고 다른 학교 친구들도 환영합니다.

일정과 장소는 11월 5일 오후 4시~ 6시 토요일 버뱅크 픽윅 아이스 센터이며, 스케이팅과 스케이트 대여, 전 한국 국가대표 선수가 진행하는 미니 클래스와 간식이 제공됩니다.

신청은 아침 등교시간에 lunch pavillion이나 parents center(room 33)로 신청서와 신청비를 가져오시거나 교무실 박스에 넣으시면 됩니다.

스케이트장은 이벤트 시간에 3가 초등학교만을 위해 오픈하며, 조기 신청 마감될 수도 있으니 서둘러 신청해주세요!

자세한 내용은 아래 flyer를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

* 온라인 결제 시 결제 이름을 신청서에 꼭 명시해주셔야 합니다!

* 수표는 Third Street KDLP 로 작성하시면 됩니다.


As a reminder, we are recruiting volunteers for judging this year's Reflections Art Competition! If you are interested in helping to review our students' submissions, please sign up HERE!!

THEME: Show Your Voice

CATEGORIES: Dance, Literature, Film Production, Photography, Music Composition and Visual Arts.

***You can find specific guidelines at this link: Category guidelines & Rules

SUBMISSION DATES: Oct 3, 2022 thru Nov, 11, 2022



Thank you so much to our community for the overwhelming interest in our Read Around the World challenge! There are a limited number of Read Around the World books available in the 3rd Street Library, so we strongly encourage participating students to make use of your nearest public library, online resources such as Epic! or Libby, or our local Larchmont bookstore, Chevalier’s.

Read Around the World is continually in need of parent volunteers to help in the library with our students who are participating in the reading challenge. Both before- and after-school times are available. A small time commitment but lots of fun! Please sign up for a slot using the link below:


Congratulations to Ms. S. Lee and Ms. Kardos for reaching 100% Class Participation this week! A spook-tacular treat is coming your way!

Thank you to all the students, families, friends, and supporters who signed up for PTA Memberships this year! Your representation and support is what truly makes our school so great. Because of you, we've increased our membership numbers and exceeded our goals from last year.

Even though the drive is over, it is still not too late to become a member: Signup online here: Third Street School PTA Signup Page

PTA Memberships start at only $10 and pay for programs like Reflections Art Competition, our beautiful School Garden, the Book Fair, Campus Beautification, Community Building Events and Teacher Appreciation Week!


The 2022-23 Third Street Yearbook is already underway! Parents/Caregivers, please help us capture memories by submitting photos of your students, class activities, and school events here. Pre-order your yearbook at a reduced price ($25 / yearbook), place an ad honoring your student or local business, and donate a yearbook here. School code is 228294. ** Please make sure your student’s classroom information is accurate for easier distribution ** Feel free to contact with any questions. Deadline to order is Friday, April 14, 2023. All proceeds benefit Friends of Third.

2022-23 3가학교 연간앨범제작이 진행 중에있습니다! 학부모/보호자 여러분, 여기에 학생들, 수업 활동 및 학교 행사 사진을 제출하여 추억을 캡처할 수 있도록 도와주세요.

여기를 누르시면, 연간앨범을 할인된 가격($25/앨범)으로 사전 주문하실수있고, 학생이나 지역비즈니스를 기리는 광고를 게재하실 수 있으며, 또한 연간앨범제작에 기부 하실 수 있습니다.

앨범구입을위한 학교코드는 228294입니다. ** 정확한 앨범배포를 위해 학생의 학급 정보가 정확한지 확인해주세요. ** 질문이 있으시면 언제든지 3rdstyearbook@gmail.com으로 문의해주세요. 주문 마감일은 2023년 4월 14일 금요일이며, 모든 수익금은 Friends of Third에 혜택을줍니다.


Did you know you can still donate to Friends of Third beyond our Annual Giving campaign as an individual family or with company matching donations throughout the year? In case the opportunity presents itself to you and your family, please bookmark our fundraising page for easy reference.

Are you looking for ways to earn funds for our school, just by grocery shopping?

Make sure your loyalty account is set to earn money for our school. It costs nothing to you and can earn BIG BUCKS for Third Street. Signing up is SO easy and it costs you nothing. Here’s what you do:

1. Log into your Ralphs Rewards account.

2. Go to: My Account and Select Community Contributions

3. Select: Friends of Third (organization number YQ077)

And while we're talking about groceries….

Please take a moment and download the BOX TOPS app and select Third Street Elementary as your school. Then, whenever you buy a product with the BoxTops symbol on it, simply open the app, scan your receipt and BOOM you are ready to earn $$$ our school!


11/1 LA Rams Come to School to Kick Off Kindness & Spirit Day (wear blue and gold)

11/4 Community Meeting

11/5 3rd on Ice KDLP fundraiser

11/11 Veterans Day

11/11 Reflections Art Competition Submission Deadline


Volunteers Wanted - sign up to help in our classrooms or as a Copy Cat


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