3rd Steet Elementary hosts monthly community meeting that features updates from Principal Kim, Friends of Third, and the Parent Teacher Association. Guest speakers are also routinely invited to present to parents on a variety of topics.
To view the recorded meeting and to access any of the resources that were shared (if available), click on the date of the meeting below.
September 2020
Guest Speaker: School Psychologist Ashley Coakley offers advice to parents on how to support children during distance learning
October 2020
Guest Speakers: Katherine Choe and Jennifer Yoo inform parents about magnet schools and the magnet application process (CHOICES)
Meeting Recording
November 2020
Guest Speakers: Elizabeth Lehman offers parents advice on how to support children to become digital citizens.
Meeting Recording
December 2020
Principal Kim provides parents with return to campus updates.
Meeting Recording
February 2021
Principal Kim provides parents with return to campus updates.
Meeting Recording
March 2021
Principal Kim provides parents with return to campus updates.
Meeting Recording
April 2021
Principal Kim provides parents with return to campus updates. Please see our distance learning page.
May 2021
Principal Kim provides parents with return to campus updates.
June 2021
Principal Kim provides new, incoming families with a few updates.
Meeting Recording Powerpoint Slides
August 2021 (8/6/21)
Principal Kim provides families with updates about the 2021-22 school year.
Meeting Recording Powerpoint Slides
August 2021 (8/6/21)
Principal Kim provides KDLP families with staffing updates for the 2021-22 school year.
August 2021 (8/20/21)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at the first 2021-22 Community Meeting of the year.
Meeting Recording Powerpoint Slides (School Updates) Powerpoint Slides (FOT Updates)
August 2021 (8/26/21)
Principal Kim provides information and answers questions about the positive COVID case identified at school.
September 2021 (9/1/21)
Principal Kim and Korean Dual Language Lead Sandra Choi provide information about the Korean Dual Language Program.
September 2021 (9/3/21)
Principal Kim hosts a Q/A session regarding the recent positive COVID cases identified at school.
September 2021 (9/10/21)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at September's Community Meeting.
October 2021 (10/1/21)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at October's Community Meeting. Guest speaker Mary Jane Lira London provides families info about Magnet Schools and the CHOICES application process.
Meeting Recording Presentation Slides/Handouts
November 2021 (11/5/21)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at November's Community Meeting. Guest speaker Janet Tomiyama discusses her research on weight and fat shaming and provides tips to parents on how to cultivate a healthy body image in children.
Meeting Recording Presentation Slides/Handouts
December 2021 (12/3/21)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at December's Community Meeting. Magnet/TSP Coordinator Sandra Choi presents on gifted identification and verification for SAS and our gifted magnet.
February 2022 (2/4/222)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at February's Community Meeting.
March 2022 (3/4/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at March's Community Meeting. LAUSD School Board Vice-President Nick Melvoin introduces himself to our community as our new Board member.
April 2022 (4/1/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at April's Community Meeting. Local District West Instructional Coordinators, Kris Nogawa-Ross and Meteka Bullard provide an overview of the Smarter Balanced Assessment.
May 2022 (5/6/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at May's Community Meeting.
August 2022 (8/3/22)
Master Plan Options Meeting with Sandra Choi
New Family Orientation with Principal Kim
August 2022 (8/19/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at the first Community Meeting of the 2022-23 school year. Fairfax Community of Schools Administrator Paul Hirsch speaks about the hiring process for our school's new principal.
Meeting Recording Presentation Slides/Handouts
September 2022 (9/9/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Kim provide families with updates at September's Community Meeting. Principal Kim presents data from the 2021-22 Smarter Balanced assessment.
October 2022 (10/7/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Lee provide families with updates at October's Community Meeting. Mary Jane London presents on magnet program, e-choice and point system.
November 2022 (11/4/22)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Lee provide families with updates at November's Community Meeting. Principal Lee presents on how to better prepare for parent-teacher conference.
December 2022 (12/2/22)
PTA, FOT, and GATE Coordinator Sandra Choi provide families with updates at December's Community Meeting. Ms. Choi presents on gifted identification/verification.
January 2023 (1/13/23)
PTA, FOT, and Principal Lee provide families with updates at January's Community Meeting. Principal Lee presents on how to support students on increase their 21st Century skills.