Early and consistent parental involvement helps children do well academically. Parents/guardians and extended family are encouraged and welcomed to become involved in the formal education of their children by volunteering at their child’s school. A volunteer is any individual who assists at a school site or District office without monetary compensation. This includes parents, community members, interns and in some cases, high school or college students.
To ensure the health and welfare of all students and employees the District has developed a three-tiered volunteer system.

Tier I Volunteer
Required: California Megan’s Law Website Clearance
Not Required: TB Clearance or Fingerprinting Clearance
Must be directly supervised at ALL times by school staff. Single Event or On-Demand Application and Volunteer Commitment Form are submitted to the principal for approval. Tier I volunteer application cannot be used for overnight events.
Single Event Volunteer: Volunteers for one day only in the entire school year. Potential volunteers fill out the Single Event Volunteer Application.
On-Demand Safety Parent/Guardian/Extended Family Volunteer: Only parents, guardians and extended family, at the discretion of the principal, can participate as Tier I “On Demand Safety Volunteers”. Volunteers support schools in case the Superintendent or Local District Superintendent declares an on-demand safety need that requires safety support from parents/guardians/extended family whose child attends the public school. The volunteer would fill out the OnDemand Volunteer Application and submit it to the principal or designee. Principals in anticipation of such a safety demand may, within a reasonable period of time, invite parents/guardians/extended family to fill out an On-Demand Safety Volunteer application with the understanding that their support will not be implemented until the declaration is made by the Superintendent or Local District Superintendent.
Tier II Volunteer
Required: California Megan’s Law Website Clearance TB Clearance
Not Required: Fingerprinting Clearance
Must be directly supervised at ALL times by school staff. Volunteers must fill out the Volunteer Application on the District’s on-line Volunteer Management System and sign the Volunteer Commitment Form.
Classroom Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Teacher
Assists the classroom teacher
Works in the classroom with small groups of students (2 or more) to reinforce skills
Performs clerical or record-keeping tasks for the teacher in the classroom (e.g., classroom assignments, homework collected, etc.). Volunteers are not to have access to student, family, or employee records.
Presents information to class in areas of specialized expertise
Room Parent: Supervised by Principal/Teacher
Assists teacher in communicating with parents who agree to be contacted
Plans, coordinates and seeks help from other parents for classroom celebrations in compliance with the school’s policy
Campus Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Certificated Staff and Assigned by Principal
Safety Valet / School Tours / Playground Volunteer
Office Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Office Staff
Assists school staff with duplicating and preparing outgoing or instructional materials. Volunteers are not to have access to student, family, or employee records.
Parent and Family Center Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Parent and Family Center Staff
Assists with parent workshops and resources
Field Trip/Event Chaperone Volunteer: Supervised by Teacher/Certificated Staff, Assigned by Principal
Assists during field trips under the direct supervision of certificated staff
Tier III Volunteer
Required: California Megan’s Law Website Clearance TB Clearance Fingerprint Clearance
Must be directly supervised at ALL times by school staff. Volunteers must fill out the Volunteer Application on the District’s on-line Volunteer Management System and sign the Volunteer Commitment Form.
One-on-One Tutor: Supervised by Principal/Teacher/Certificated Staff, Assigned by Principal
Provides directed assistance to assigned students one-on-one in identified target academic areas with the teacher or Certificated Staff Assigned by the principal in the classroom
Cafeteria Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Cafeteria Manager/Teacher/Staff, Assigned by Principal
Assists children and staff with the distribution of food, clean up, and assists in maintaining an orderly and safe environment during meal times in the school cafeteria and during Breakfast in the Classroom
Overnight Field Trip Chaperone Volunteer: Supervised by Teacher/Certificated Staff, Assigned by Principal
Assists designated teacher in the supervision of an assigned group of students on overnight field trips
Student Activities Volunteer: Supervised by Principal/Certificated Staff, Assigned by Principal
Assists with administratively approved student sports activities, band, clubs, culinary groups, etc.
Please note that fingerprinting is done through the Live Scan process which captures the fingerprints electronically. The fingerprint data is then submitted to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to perform a statewide criminal record search. The DOJ also sends the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to check against the national criminal history database. The District is precluded from sharing or divulging criminal record history information, including responses that no criminal record history exists, unless expressly authorized to outside entities. Information received is kept in a confidential file and is destroyed once a determination is made.
To apply to be a tier I volunteer, please request from the office and complete the Single Event Volunteer Application (Attachment A1) or the On-Demand Safety Volunteer Application (Attachment B1) and submit the completed application to the principal or designee for approval. These applications do not need to be submitted to the District or Local District for approval. In addition, Tier I volunteers must sign and submit the Volunteer Commitment Form (Attachment C1). All forms can also be found at http://bit.ly/3rdstvolunteer or on our website under the Get Involved Tab.
Attachments and LAUSD Tier II and III Volunteer Application process found at http://bit.ly/3rdstvolunteer.