Students wishing to attend 3rd Street Elementary are required to live within 3rd Street’s attendance area. To determine if you live in our attendance area, please go to LAUSD’s School Finder to check your address. The administration diligently verifies the address information of all incoming and currently enrolled students. Students with falsified addresses will immediately be transferred to their home school.
If 3rd Street Elementary is your home school (school of residence) and you are seeking to enroll your child for the current 2024-25 school year, please contact the school.
If 3rd Street Elementary is not your home school, please see below for enrollment information for non-resident students. We are currently not offering any additional K permits for the 2024-25 school year.
For enrollment information about our SAS, Korean Dual Language, and Grade 3-5 Gifted Magnet, please see each program's respective page under the About menu at the top.
UTK CC / UTK / K Age Requirements
Universal Transitional Collaborative Classroom - child must turn 5 between April 2 and August 30 during the school year for enrollment.
Universal Transitional Kindergarten – child must be 5 years old between September 2 - April 1 during the school year for enrollment.
Kindergarten - child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 during the school year for enrollment.
Enrollment Requirements
1. Proof of Residence
Utility service contract, bills or payment receipts (Gas, Water, or Electricity)
Property taxes, rental or lease agreement, current rental receipt with address of property on receipt
Official government mail (CalWORKS, Social Security, Medi-Cal)
Current pay stub
Voter registration
LAUSD does not accept telephone bills or driver’s licenses as proof of residence. Any documentation offered as proof of residence must show the name of the parent/legal guardian, a current date and the residence address. (Resource: LAUSD’s Attendance Manual Policy & Procedures… [March 2013Version 3.0], Appendix D-1a).
2. Proof of Age of Minor
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate
Court order
Health office/vital statistics record of birth certificate date
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) letter verifying birthdate and an explanation of how this was verified
3. Parent/Guardian/Educational Rights Holder/Caregiver Identification
Student’s birth certificate or baptismal certificate or Court order establishing the parent guardian relationship AND
Adult’s government-issued photo identification (Driver’s license or DMV identification card)
4. Proof of Immunization
Please see the Parent's Guide to Immunization (Korean version HERE)
If available/applicable, please also provide copies of any of the following:
Transcripts or recent grade reports
Copy of most recent Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or SEction 504 Plan
Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) 1399 Form or minute order
Court Orders regarding: custody (legal or physical), educational rights, restricted contact with the student
Enrollment Information for Non-Resident Students (PERMITS)
Students who live outside of our area of residence may apply for a permit. There are two types of permits: intra-district and inter-district.
Intra-district Permit Transfers (school-to-school transfers within LAUSD)
3rd Street Elementary School is in the Los Angeles Unified School District. If you live within LAUSD but 3rd Street is NOT your home school, you need to complete an intra-district permit application and submit any additional proof as outlined here. The intra-district permit may also be obtained from 3rd Street or your home school. Please note that the intra-district permit application requires that you first obtain your resident school principal’s signature followed by one from 3rd Street’s Principal Kim.
Permits are granted for the categories below:
Child Care (Provider resides within 3rd Street school boundaries. Childcare affidavit form)
Parent Employment (One parent/guardian is employed within the 3rd Street school boundaries)
Specialized Program - Expanded Transitional/ Transitional Kindergarten (ETK/TK students whose resident school does not offer an ETK/TK program)
Sibling (K-5 students who have a sibling already attending 3rd Street school)
Exception - School discretion due to extenuating circumstances
Inter-district Permit Requests (permitting in from another district outside LAUSD)
3rd Street Elementary School is in the Los Angeles Unified School District. If you live outside LAUSD boundaries, you will need to complete an inter-district permit application and submit it online. Questions about Inter-District Permits? Call their department directly at (213) 202-7581.
Requests for 2025-26 permits may be submitted to the main office AFTER March 10, 2025. Permits for the current school year are currently being accepted for grades 1 and 5 up till December 16, 2024.
Please note that permit applications are not automatically granted and are dependent upon space availability and other factors.
Tours and Key Dates
2025-2026 Prospecitve Parent Orientation and Tour Dates are 10/2/2024 and 2/5/2025. Please use this registration link Click here to register to sign-up for school visit and tour on one of these scheduled dates. All the sessions will be held in person on campus, which consists of an overview of school and its programs and followed by a parent volunteer led school tour.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024: Early registration window for Korean Dual Language Program, SAS, and Gifted Magnet Center (grades 3-5) opens at eChoices.lausd.net.
Beginning March 10, 2025: Intra-District Permit application window for 2025-26 opens.
Monday, March 3, 2025: Enrollment for resident families begins (all grades).
Monday, March 17, 2025: Permit acceptance notification window for all categories opens. Decisions and notifications are issued on a rolling basis up till September 20, 2025.