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July 31st Distance Learning Update

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

Dear Third Street Families,

I know that many of you have been wondering what school may look like when we begin virtually on August 18, 2020.

While the District and United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), as well as other bargaining units, are still negotiating

an agreement, both sides did share information that sheds light on what an instructional day may look like.

At the following links, you will find both the District’s and the UTLA’s proposals.

While there are many outstanding issues to bargain, including the length of the work day, the structure of the work day, and UTLA’s proposal for a weekly Student Support Day, I am pleased to see that both proposals build on the instructional expectations that were in place last March and feature daily live interaction.

In my previous distance learning update, I had announced that I would be holding four information/Q&A sessions. Our Local District has scheduled a meeting for all principals on the same day as I had scheduled the third and fourth meeting. Those meetings have been rescheduled to Thursday, August 6 and will be held at the same times, 9 AM and 7 PM. Please refer to the e-mail that was sent to you via our Blackboard Connect System for the Zoom link and login information.

Thank you for your continued support.

In partnership,

Daniel Kim

Principal, 3rd Street Elementary School


3rd Street Elementary

201 S. June Street 

Los Angeles, California 90004


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