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Third Street Elementary Book Fair & Family Dining Night

Don't miss the 3rd Street Elementary Book Fair!!! Once again, this year's book fair will be hosted by Chevalier's Books, Larchmonts beloved independent neighborhood bookstore.

There are two ways to shop our book fair! Come and shop in person December 6-24 at 126 North Larchmont LA, CA 90004 or shop online at and have your gifts shipped directly.

Mention the book fair, and Chevalier's will donate 20% of your entire purchase to our school!

On Wednesday, December 8, grab some dessert at Jeni's Ice Cream at 23 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004 and head over to Chevalier's, which is staying open two hours later than normal just for 3rd Street family and friends.

Shop your teacher’s recommendations and our library’s wishlist. You can find wonderful holiday gifts for book lovers of ALL ages! Get your holiday shopping done, support our school, and this neighborhood book store, as well! LINK:


Wednesday, Dec 8

Jeni's Ice Cream

Chevalier's Books staying open late for us, 6-8PM

3가초등학교 북페어(Book Fair)

12월 6일-12월 24일

연말쇼핑 최고의 기회!

구입하신 금액의 20%가 우리 학교로 전달됩니다.

선생님의 추천도서, 그리고 도서관의 위시리스트도 구입하실 수 있습니다.

Special shopping night: 12월 8일 오후 6시-8시

Chevalier’s Books

133 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90004

(323) 465-1334

3rd STREET DINING NIGHT 12월 8일, 수요일 Jeni's Ice Cream Chevalier's Books는 이날 이번 북페어를 위해 6-8PM까지 오픈합니다.


3rd Street Elementary

201 S. June Street 

Los Angeles, California 90004


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