Safety Begins with You! Be Part of the S.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.
SIGN-IN - Sign-in and get a Visitor’s Pass at the office during school hours (8:15 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.). Dispose of Visitor’s Passes properly.
ORGANIZATION – Make sure your children are familiar with emergency procedures at school including Fire Drill, Earthquake and Lock Down procedures.
LEADERSHIP – Parents and staff lead by example.
UNITY – ALL must abide by the same rules to ensure security on campus.
TEAMWORK – Everyone can help.
INFORMATION – Attend Safety Committee Meetings, read bulletins.
OBSERVATION – Note any suspicious behavior or persons.
NOTIFICATION – Report all safety and security related concerns to Dr. Oh / front office staff.
Emergency Plan and Safety Protocols
The school conducts periodic fire drills. Twice a year the school conducts full-scale drills – an Earthquake Drill in the fall and a Major Disaster Drill in the spring. It is crucial that emergency contact cards are up to date. Children will ONLY be released to an authorized adult.
In the event of a real disaster, parents or authorized adults must:
FIRST: Go to the ‘Request’ gate located on June Street near 3rd St. They will be required to present identification and fill out a release form.
NEXT: They will then proceed around to the ‘Reunion’ gate on Las Palmas to pick up their child.
The off campus evacuation site is John Burroughs Middle School on 6th and McCadden.
All students are required to provide personal Emergency Comfort Kits to be kept in their classroom at the beginning of the year. These kits should have supplies needed by your child during an emergency, such as food and water. Kits can be assembled by parents or purchased from a disaster supply company. PTA/Friends of Third will send emergency bags, wristbands, and forms home in the beginning of the year. Please return to your child’s teacher promptly!
** Parent members are needed for the Safety Committee. Please contact Friends of Third at or leave a note in the FOT mail slot in the Main Office.
Recess and Playground Safety
Parent donations provide for one P. E. Specialist at the school. Yard supervisors are on duty to make sure recess is an orderly and happy time for the students. Kindergarteners have their own playground separate from the rest of the school. The play structure in the main yard is limited to 1st through 5th graders during recess. NO PLAYING ON THE APPARATUS BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL! The library is usually open during recess for children to visit if they choose.
** Parent volunteers are needed during recess and lunch times. Please contact Janie Yoo, School Coordinator, in the Main Office.
School personnel cannot administer medication without appropriate consent forms. If a child must have medication during the school day or in case of an emergency, the following procedure must be followed:
1) Pick up an LAUSD “Request for medication to be taken during school hours” form from the Main Office and have your child’s doctor complete it. You need to sign it as well.
2) Return form along with your child’s medication to the Main Office on the first day of school.
3) The form needs to be renewed ANNUALLY.
Third Street School Conduct and Safety Policy
The following guidelines constitute the Conduct and Safety Policy at Third Street School. (Revised May 2009):
Every student has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. Every educator has the right to teach in an atmosphere free from disruption that impedes learning. Third Street School values its students, teachers and its high parental involvement and has created the following policies in accordance with Los Angeles Unified School District’s Discipline Foundation Policy and our own desire to keep children safe while supporting learning. These policies are to be followed by students, parents and teachers. Students’ failure to do so before, during and after school hours will result in appropriate action. Please review the following rules of conduct and behavior with your child or children.
Students, parents and teachers must follow traffic safety rules, such as crossing at the crosswalks en route to and from school. No one may block bus loading zones or driveways, park on the west side of Las Palmas, or double park. We are respectful of our Third Street School Neighborhood and will not litter in or around the school.
Parents and students must ensure that students arrive to class no later than 8:06 AM, ready to learn.
Parents and students must ensure that students come to school clean and appropriately dressed and groomed. At Third Street School, appropriate dress includes no open-toed shoes, oversized clothing, cleats (spikes on shoes), or earrings below the earlobe.
Student safety is a high priority; therefore:
Weapons or facsimiles thereof (pretend weapons) are not tolerated on school grounds. A violation results in an immediate referral to the Principal.
Fighting and using profane language, including racial slurs, is not tolerated.
Students must remain in their designated play areas at all times and may not be behind classrooms for any reason. Playing ball against any classroom wall or equipment shed is not permitted. Playing ball is not permitted before school.
Students must complete all classroom assignments and return all homework when due. Parents who have questions or concerns about homework are encouraged to talk with their child’s teacher.
Third Street School believes in mutual student-teacher respect and recognizes that children “learn what they live”. Therefore, we emphasize positive behavior and discourage student discipline that shames, ridicules or otherwise creates a hostile learning environment.
Third Street School Parents, Teachers and Students treat others with mutual respect, therefore, we respect the right of each person to be different and see cultural diversity as an opportunity for learning.
We, the Parents, Teachers and Students, care for and respect school property and the property of others.
Students must keep at home all toys, trading cards, radios, balls, electronic games, scooters, shoes with wheels or “Heelies”, skateboards, and any other items not related to the instructional program.
Student cell phones may not be used or turned on during instructional time (8:06 AM – 2:30 PM, including lunch and recess period). Before and after these times cell phones may be used.
Third Street School Parents, Teachers and Students recognize the role of good nutrition in learning. Therefore, candy, soda and gum are not to be distributed or consumed on campus, except under the supervision and with the authority of a teacher.
Students may not sell personal items on campus other than for school-authorized fundraising purposes.
Consequences for students of violations of these policies:
First violation: Handled by the teacher
Second violation: Teacher sends notice home.
Third violation: Refer to office
Fourth violation: Suspension