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Annual Giving Success!

Thank you for your incredible support of Third Street’s Annual Giving Drive! We reached 74% school-wide participation.  We had 14 classes reach 100% participation and surpassed our annual giving fundraising goal!

A big thank you to the translators, the sponsors, the room reps, and our community for working together to keep our school enriching and competitive in these wild times.  Way to go Panthers!

To view your class total participation:

3가 초등학교 애뉴얼 기빙 드라이브(Annual Giving Drive)에 대한 학부모 여러분의 큰 성원에 감사드립니다!

학교 전체 참여율은 74%를 기록했습니다. 14 반이 100 % 참여했으며, 전체 기부 금액은 목표를 초과했습니다.

불안정한 이 시기에 풍요롭고 경쟁력 있는 학교를 유지하기 위해 이번 기부행사의 진행과 번역에 도움을 주신 부모님들과 각반의 참여를 이끌어주신 부모님들, 그리고 기부에 참여해주신 모든 분들께 큰 감사를 드립니다. Panther 가족 여러분, 감사합니다!

Thank you to this week’s donors:

Sophia Family, The Hong Family, The Grubers, The Choi Family, Gillman Family, William Fenton Hathaway, The Binaski Family, The Halferty Family, From the Angle Family, The Lao Family, Tara Herrmann, The David-Preston Family, HT eKim Family, Chavez Cordova Family, Petrov Family, Melvilyn Hunt, Kennedy Akbari and Family, Chelsea’s Family, Cho Family, The Weinberger Family, The Rivera Family, The Lee Family, The Wilson Family, The Gore Family, The Nelson Family, Saul’s Family, Evans Griffith Family, Maehara Family, Glover Family, Qian Cao, The Pring Family, Bharani Srinivasan, Laurie Brown, The Baker Family, The Tekawade Family, Mi Yoo, The Kim Family, Hyun J An, The Han Family, Ian Park Family, The Hooker Family, The Bernard Family, The Lee Family, The Woolley Family, Hagan Family, The Kim Family, The Cortez Perich Family, The Green Family, The Chong Family, The Zschaschel Family, The Montoya Family, Jayden and Janice Yoon, The Woo Family, The Lanzillotta Family, Lorandos Family, Lin Family, Basil Brown, The Ceppaglia Family, The Schneider Family, Lee’s Family, Joshua Kim,C Caruso Class Parents, Ansley/Mills, The Lee Family, Luke Adams. Michael’s Family, Miri Seo, Yoon Hee Han, James Fellers and Autumn Elliott, The Fan Family, EZ Daddy, The Yang Family, The Pak Family, The Manolova/Kirilov Family, Hirschmann Family, Forouzan Family, The Hong Family, The Coburn Family, The Suh Family and the anonymous donors!

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